I’m very behind on your personal life. Mazel Tov on your baby and hang in there. I made a lot of adjustments to my pre-show rituals as a classical singer after babies came and I learned that I didn’t need them all to have a good show. And that if things were a little less technically perfect, that was ok, too. ❤️
Thank goodness for big sisters. I’m so glad you renewed it. Small windows will start to appear. Maybe not now, maybe not in a few months. But they will come. And your art will be able to fill them when they arrive. And for that we are grateful. And we will wait. Because it’s worth waiting for.
A friend if mine always quotes Erykah Badu on having time to not create as part of the creative process. Also, you created this lovely newsletter so you are doing the thing!
Don’t beat yourself up about the fallow period! You can only have this time with your baby once in your life, but there will be many, many more occasions where you will make art x
I’m very behind on your personal life. Mazel Tov on your baby and hang in there. I made a lot of adjustments to my pre-show rituals as a classical singer after babies came and I learned that I didn’t need them all to have a good show. And that if things were a little less technically perfect, that was ok, too. ❤️
Thank goodness for big sisters. I’m so glad you renewed it. Small windows will start to appear. Maybe not now, maybe not in a few months. But they will come. And your art will be able to fill them when they arrive. And for that we are grateful. And we will wait. Because it’s worth waiting for.
My kids are 5 and 6 and I needed to hear this.
A friend if mine always quotes Erykah Badu on having time to not create as part of the creative process. Also, you created this lovely newsletter so you are doing the thing!
Congrats on your baby!! Your writing time will come and may be in dribs and drab’s for a little while and that is ok too.💕
flawless, no notes!!
Don’t beat yourself up about the fallow period! You can only have this time with your baby once in your life, but there will be many, many more occasions where you will make art x