i took a nap post 5pm today, which any self-respecting napster knows is a rookie mistake. now i’m awake at 3.16am with only my dead twitter timeline (you’re very much missed there!!) to keep me company. delighted to find this offering from you waiting in my inbox. thank you!
absolutely completely this is it. genuinely you just cracked the code behind my enduring love of that show as a teen and of Katie Holmes in general to this day. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
And this is why I still root for Katie Holmes
So glad you are back in my inbox :)
Bim! You are missed!!!
i took a nap post 5pm today, which any self-respecting napster knows is a rookie mistake. now i’m awake at 3.16am with only my dead twitter timeline (you’re very much missed there!!) to keep me company. delighted to find this offering from you waiting in my inbox. thank you!
absolutely completely this is it. genuinely you just cracked the code behind my enduring love of that show as a teen and of Katie Holmes in general to this day. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
i have never watched more than 2 hours of dawson's creek, yet i felt this in my bones. thank you.
BIM!! Miss you on these interwebs, so happy to find you in my inbox :)