Yikes! You were destined to write.

Having read you since the days of Yoruba gird dancing….the intensity you bring to your craft is unreal.

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Love these periodic updates. Good to know things are ticking along and evolving beautifully. x

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This is so perfect. And the thing about how you're sure everything will be fixed in your memory, but it fades so fast...My kids are now 14/12/7 and the one piece of advice I give every toddler parent when their kid starts talking is to make a note in the Notes App on their phone and just jot down the hilarious or deep or wild things they say, in the moment (even hours later I find I've already forgotten!). I never made a single baby book or photo album or anything but I have 12 years of annual Notes now, and they are precious beyond measure. The kids love going back through and hearing some of their gems, as do I! Maybe I'll print them all out eventually?

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i vote for unwombed. dewombed is too close for comfort to dewormed for me. but in that context, i think it would be you who dewombed him. thanks for the lovely life update, bim.

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My email had the audacity to send this post to my junk mail folder like it doesn't know that these posts are like a beautiful firefly sparkling in my inbox when I least expect it. My little person is almost a year old so this really gave me all the feels. Yes, they are little ambassadors and I'm still trying to get my head around feeling completely different and yet more myself than ever. If I were passing you on the street, I'd give you a nod. Every day I'm amazed and humbled at how much of parenting is helping this little person learn human stuff that we all take for granted, but how much they also teach us about how lovely people can be. (but can we sleep a little more please, I'm pretty sure this is part of why my memory is shot to ribbons)

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Loved this so much, smiled the entire read.

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